[spectre] BORDER CROSSINGS: an invitation to an event in London

honor honor@va.com.au
Tue, 17 Sep 2002 15:10:51 +0100

Hi all,

For those of you based within the UK, or within travelling distance to=20
London, I wanted to warmly invite you to an evening seminar we are staging=
at Tate Modern called Border Crossings.  The event features input from=20
spectres, Heath Bunting, Armin Medosch and Florian Schneider.

I'd be absolutely delighted if you could come, as would I'm sure, the=20
participants of the event.
If you're interested, drop me a line :-)





A seminar / discussion at Tate Modern, London, UK


Tuesday 1 October, 1830 - 2000

International Times for the webcast:
1730 - 1900 [ GMT ]
1930 - 2100 [ Central European Time ]
1330 - 1500 [ US Eastern Time ]
2300 - 0100 [ Indian Time ]
0330 - 0500 [ Australian Eastern Time - 2 October ]
0530 - 0700 [ New Zealand Time - 2 October ]


Starr Auditorium, Level 2, Tate Modern, London, UK


Europe's borders are increasingly frontlines of political and social=20
dissent. Asylum-seeking and political migration are some of the most=20
significant issues of our time. This discussion will explore the=20
contentious role of borders in Europe and beyond, and the way artists are=20
contesting these geographical and cultural perimeters.

Artist, Heath Bunting talks about his project, borderXings Guide, which=20
consists of 'walks' that traverse national boundaries without interruption=
from customs, immigration, or border police.  The project is currently on=20
display on Tate's website <http://www.tate.org.uk/netart/>

German critic and activist, Florian Schneider will discuss the disruption=20
of European borders through civil disobedience campaigns such as Cross the=
Border and No One is Illegal.
Writer and critic Armin Medosch will chair the discussion.

Tickets UK=A36 (UK=A33 concessions)


This event will be presented live on the Tate website, as part of Tate=92s=
Webcasting Programme. You can experience the event live online in audio and=
video using the Real Player.
To find out more, visit: <http://www.tate.org.uk/audiovideo/>.
If you haven't experienced Tate Modern's webcasts before, please visit our=
technical help page:


For more on this event, see:
or contact:
Honor Harger, Webcasting Curator, Interpretation & Education, Tate Modern
Email: honor.harger@tate.org.uk
PH: (44) 020 7401 5066

For more information about Tate or getting tickets for the event:
Tate Box Office
Email: tate.ticketing@tate.org.uk
PH: (44) 020 7887 8888
URL: http://www.tate.org.uk

<honor@va.com.au>           <http://www.radioqualia.net>
+44 (0)20 76841859

<honor.harger@tate.org.uk>  <http://www.tate.org.uk/modern/>
ph: +44 (0)20 74015066

"perhaps attention acts on information the same way gravity acts on mass:=20
attraction begets attraction and a positive feedback loop is formed"=20