[spectre] swiss 56k bastard web channel censors project

Andreas Broeckmann abroeck at transmediale.de
Thu Dec 2 14:13:53 CET 2004

imho, the censored version of the piece is artistically as 
unconvincing as the uncensored one; i think that the correlation of 
internet porn images and AIDS victims in africa is spurious - it 
would maybe make sense to relate it to cases of HIV infection (and 
AIDS deaths) among sex workers in europe, for instance, but i guess 
that the speed of the counter would be less spectacular - which seems 
to be the main (or only) point of the piece? how does the 
voyeurism/consumption of internet porn affect AIDS deaths in malawi? 
and does the project then not suggest that if there was less internet 
porn, there would be fewer AIDS victims? can somebody explain, how? 
(i know that there is a whole regime of images around the sexualised 
female body which feeds all sorts of social regimes affecting the 
submission of women, etc. - you can be brief if you mean _that_ 
structure is adequately referenced in the Milk piece.)

i don't know whether pro helvetia actually protested; if they did, 
might it be that they would have accepted the same sort of imagery if 
it had been used in the context of a stronger artistic concept?


ps: call a spade a spade.

>the artist shulea chang asked me to fwd. this message. shulea made a 
>project for the new swiss 56k-bastard web
>channel that was censored. the 'milk project' was deemed too hardcore.
>56k organizer reinhard storz got afraid and pushed shulea chang to
>produce a 'snow (soft) version' in order not to upset his funder, pro
>the direct address to milk-soft is
>and to milk-real
>the news is already out. see for instance:
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