[spectre] "Natural Process(NP)" by exonemo available online!

Andreas Broeckmann abroeck at transmediale.de
Fri Feb 20 11:26:26 CET 2004

dear yukiko,

thanks for sending the info. i have been watching the stream for a 
while and while i appreciate the notes about analogue/digital and the 
'status' of the Google image (the window-metaphor, in my eyes, does 
not immediately turn it into a landscape image), i think the 
exhibition situation is even more fascinating to observe.


the camera for the live-stream is set up very cleverly, so that we 
see the painting on the wall at a slight angle, we see the visitors 
walking past in front of it, and we see the visitors interacting with 
the camera whose image they seem to be able to see on a monitor on 
the left.

this layering of images and interactions seems to me the most 
interesting aspect of the work.

an allegory of what Dieter Daniels has called 'the Google generation' 
- i.e. those of his students who don't believe that anything that 
they cannot find through Google exists at all?


>"Natural Process(NP)" by exonemo available online
>in "Roppongi Crossing" there are some media art works, and here is
>one, "Natural Process(NP)", the new work by exonemo(akaiwa yae +
>sembo kensuke), i curated, they exhibit a huge painting of Google top,
>shoot it and streaming on the web.
>*we have got a really good reaction from Google Inc., including two founders!
>yukiko shikata

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