February 2004 Archives by thread
Starting: Mon Feb 2 09:25:27 CEST 2004
Ending: Sat Feb 28 17:04:09 CEST 2004
Messages: 85
- [spectre] AVM in February 2004
A Virtual Memorial
- [spectre] Fusedspace: call for inspiring applications
- [spectre] Final Program "An Archaeology of Imaginary Media"
Eric Kluitenberg
- [spectre] A parenthesis on Jim Morisson (the last hours)
Aliette Guibert
- [spectre] Leonardo Call for Papers - Live Art & Science on the
- [spectre] Call for Papers - Leonardo Music Journal 15
- [spectre] Live Streams Archaeologvy of Imaginary Media 5-8 February
Eric Kluitenberg
- [spectre] NETAUDIOvalentinsNIGHT am 14.02.2004 in der DESI in Nürnberg
- [spectre] fwd: archive on feminist artists
Andreas Broeckmann
- [spectre] News from Tehran 1, Rotterdam
Andreas Broeckmann
- [spectre] JDI!new media&artfestival, montenegro coast
Andreas Broeckmann
- [spectre] Eduardo Navas interviews Peter Luining for p2p
Peter Luining
- [spectre] subsource nu:s SUB054: Zen Savauge - Contrast
- [spectre] subsource nu:s SUB054: Zen Savauge - Contrast
- [spectre] looking for my childhood
- [spectre] Tjebbe van Tijen: Unbombing the World 1911-2011 project
seeks support
geert lovink
- [spectre] (fwd) 6e Biennale - Champ Libre - Montreal
Andreas Broeckmann
- [spectre] Art of the Biotech Era
- [spectre] Art of the Biotech Era
- [spectre] oops. sorry for the double posting
- [spectre] Prix Ars Electronica 2004 - Welcome to participate!
Monique Berger
- [spectre] NYU: Assistant/Associate Professor, Tenure Track
Andreas Broeckmann
- [spectre] Art of the Biotech Era
Peter Luining
- [spectre] ions
- [spectre] Fwd: Cronograf Film Festival
- [spectre] [DI][A][LOG]_[BOX],
electronic music and digital arts event.
Alessandro Ludovico
- [spectre] Fwd: PUBLIC VIDEO ART FESTIVAL in Ekaterinburg/RU - Call
for Participation
Eric Kluitenberg
- [spectre] Paris ‹ invitation
Aliette Guibert
- [spectre] [R][R][F] 2004 - suite of calls
[R][R][F] 2004
- [spectre] conference Public Art Policies 26-28 February 2004
Inke Arns
- [spectre] p0es1s. Digitale Poesie exhibition opening (Berlin)
Inke Arns
- [spectre] CFP: Video/Filmfestival "Ohne Kohle", Wien/Juli 04
Albert Georg Beckmann
- [spectre] Keyworx event from Woman's Perspective 17-2-04
Jane Crayton
- [spectre] Archis RSVP Event in Brussels, March 20
geert lovink
- [spectre] [Psrf] Photostatic Retrograde Archive,
no. 27' and no. 25/26
Lloyd Dunn
- [spectre] Italian Museum searching for Assistant Curator
Flash Art
- [spectre] BDP2004 [biennale de Paris] - Info 15022004
- [spectre] VIPER Basel | Competition 2004 - Call for entries
- [spectre] CFP: 2nd Call 'MAAP in Singapore'
Andreas Broeckmann
- [spectre] Euro Manifesto to Support Minority Community Media
geert lovink
- [spectre] Einladung / Invitation: "Souvenir,
Souvenir": Vernissage: 20.Feb.2004
- [spectre] Leonardo Sessions at CAA
Melinda Klayman
- [spectre] NEURO--networking europe: 27.-29.2.04
florian schneider
- [spectre] CFP - 2nd Z E B R A Poetry Film Award, Berlin, July 2004
ZEBRA Poetry Film Award
- [spectre] Launch of "Slowtime?....part IV on Cinematheque
Cinematheque at MediaCentre
- [spectre] G. Lovink and J. Brucker-Cohen win awards for Internet
Andreas Broeckmann
- [spectre] Webjam06
Liam Wells
- [spectre] CALL FOR WORKS - Short Films about Architecture
Joel S. Bachar
- [spectre] Digital Independence 2004
geert lovink
- [spectre] Global networking projects starts on 23 February 2004
[R][R][F] 2004
- [spectre] New Publication on Network and Narrative
Andrea Zapp
- [spectre] art and technology grant [the next idea]
Iris Mayr
- [spectre] _pl[mi]asma_lob[bing]otomies_ 11:45pm 23/02/2004
_body.heros.in.mythology.suits_ 08:27am 23/02/2004
_butter_F.[L].Y.I.ng 05:17pm 16/02/2004 _b[l]atter[l]y heart_
07:44am 16/02/2004 _[imm].Uno_A_tt(r)acking_ 08:29pm 14/02/2004
- [spectre] net art wars
Peter Luining
- [spectre] fmedia
Milo¹ Vojtìchovský
- [spectre] ELEKTRODIENOS: unidentified audio object
raimundas m
- [spectre] Collage [multidisciplinary art festival] + Opening the
City [exhibition and opening of 66 East Centre for Urban Culture] .
darko fritz
- [spectre] SCAN Launch 25/2/04
Helen Sloan
- [spectre] performance software workshop in NY
Christian Ziegler
- [spectre] ethernity!
John Hopkins
- [spectre] BDP2004[Biennale von Paris]-Info 25022004
- [spectre] Moving Culture through Europe (Witte de With)
geert lovink
- [spectre] Call for Papers: LEA Special Issue: Digital Arts and
Electronic Music in Asia and the Pacific
Melinda Klayman
- [spectre] Call: Digital Arts and Electronic Music in Asia and the
Melinda Klayman
- [spectre] CRITICAL FORUM - FurtherStudio...
marc garrett
- [spectre] Leonardo Award for Excellence given to Elsenaar and Scha
- [spectre] Since 23 February "Inflict" is streaming 24 hours a day
Violence Online Festival
- [spectre] Ceci n'est pas un vibromasseur *
- [spectre] The filmaker Anatole Sternberg to Cesare Battist on
Aliette Guibert
Last message date:
Sat Feb 28 17:04:09 CEST 2004
Archived on: Sat Feb 28 17:04:21 CEST 2004
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