[spectre] Streaming video on RRF
nc-agricowi at netcologne.de
Mon Nov 22 09:11:07 CET 2004
www.newmediafest.org/rrf2004 <http://www.newmediafest.org/rrf2004>
global networking project by Agricola de Cologne
is happy to launch on occasion of its participation in
FILE - Electronic Language Festival Sao Paulo/Brazil
www.file.org.br <http://www.file.org.br> 23 November - 12 December
a new version of VideoChannel,.
VideoChannel represents "Memory Channel 5" and the place
where collective memory can manifest itself in non-interactive works like video.
Alex Haupt, a young curator from Cologne/Germany
selected for his contribution, entitled "Time processing...."
following artists --->
Daniel Lo Iacono, Lee Welch, Caitlin Berrigan
Claudia Sohrens, Elia Alba, Josephine Lipuma
Guido Braun, RZL - Luca Fruzza, Christina McPhee
Miklos Legrady, Stephanie Bouvier, Caterina Davinio
VideoChannel invites curators from all parts on the globe
to prepare a curatorial contribution of video works.
Alex Haupt selected the artists based on an open call in Internet.
VideoChannel was launched in April 2004 and incorporates
these curators -->
Heidi J. Figueroa Sarriera and Marianne Ramirez-Aponte (Puerto-Rico).
Raluca Velizar & Florin Tudor (Romania),
Antonio Alvarado (Spain), Isabel Aranda Yto (Chile),
Bjoern Norberg (Sweden), Stephanie Benzaquen (Netherlands),
Roopesh Sitharan (Malaysia), Laura Chiari (Italy), and
Melody Parker- Carter (Germany.
There are meanwhile more than 60 video works (duration 1-10 minutes)
available online streaming.
VideoChannel, a joint venture between
Le Musee di-visioniste www.le-musee-divisioniste.org <http://www.le-musee-divisioniste.org>
and [R][R][F]2004--->XP
www.newmediafest.org/rrf2004/ <http://www.newmediafest.org/rrf2004/>
can be accessed via
the [R][R][F]2004--->XP interrface as "Memory Channel 5"
or also directly via
www.newmediafest.org/rrf2004/vchannel.htm <http://www.newmediafest.org/rrf2004/vchannel.htm>
www.le-musee-divisioniste.org/mediacentre/ <http://www.le-musee-divisioniste.org/mediacentre/>
www.nmartproject.net <http://www.nmartproject.net>
contacts: info at nmartproject.net <mailto:info at nmartproject.net>
Technical requirements:
broad bandwidth DSL Internet connection
Flash 7 plug-in
( free download from www.macromedia.com <http://www.macromedia.com> )
latest browser versions of
MS Internet Explorer, Netscape, Opera
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