[spectre] Mediatecaonline: News list.

mediateca.bcn.fundacio at lacaixa.es mediateca.bcn.fundacio at lacaixa.es
Fri Oct 29 13:23:04 CEST 2004

  News list.

  places  at  the  service  of  institutions  and individuals the News List
  and  e-mailing  that  are  already  operatives.This  is  a  space open to
  participation   by   institutions  -  galleries,  art  centers,  portals,
  associations?   -   and   individuals   -   artists,  students,  cultural
  administrators? - who want to use it as a means of spreading information.
  The  list  allows  the publishing of news on mediatecaonline.net and also
  the  sending of news through email to the registered users, on activities
  and  programming,  in  their  broadest  sense:   festivals,  conferences,
  workshops,   courses,   services,  symposiums,  commentaries  of  events,
  publication  reviews, Web resources, etc., centered on music, culture and
  contemporary  art.   The  information  on  the  activities can be sent in
  Catalan,  Spanish  and  English. Sending it in one or more languages will
  depend  on  the  kind  of  distribution  wanted  for the information. The
  information  may be published either in a resume format ? mainly focusing
  on  activities  that  already  have a web site ? or in a complete format.
  This  activities  distribution  service  is  directed  to  the  users  of
  mediatecaonline.net,  a  portal specialized in contemporary art and music
  of all times with a monthly user base of 25,000.

  To activate service:  In order to publish and/or to receive the news it
  is necessary to register

  User assistance: mediatecaonline.fundacion at lacaixa.es

  Sincere apologies for cross-posting

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