[spectre] Attitude Festival . Macedonia

Art News artnews at domeus.it
Wed Dec 14 13:15:09 CET 2005

ATTITUDE - video /short & experimental film/ photography festival.

All selected works are focused on the problem which as a concept of 
this project has been posed: The artist âs attitude is the most 
authentic expression of what is going on in the society.

opening december 24th 2005, at 20.00

place: Bitola, Macedonia  - Cultural Center "Magaza" (Institute and Museum)

organizer: Center for Contemporary Public Arts ELEMENTI

partner: International Art Expo (Italy)

curator: Biljana Petrovska Isijanin

web: <http://www.lucacurci.com/artexpo>www.lucacurci.com/artexpo

email: <mailto:artexpo at lucacurci.com>artexpo at lucacurci.com
<mailto:info at broadwaygallerynyc.com> 

In a world where the individual is rejected because of the power of 
any kind and in a world in which all spheres of interest are focused 
on globalization, the power of the artist could be the strongest 
weapon against it. The artist him(her)self could be identified 
through his(her) own act of creating as the most important one, 
considering the fact that the new visions and attitudes are changing 
the image of the future world.
The organizer of "Attitude" is the Center for Contemporary Public 
Arts "Elementi" from Bitola, Macedonia. It is an organization which 
exists since 1992 as an art group and since 2002 as an association 
which organizes international exhibitions of contemporary art in the 
country and abroad. In their work (as artists and organizers) they 
try not to make a big difference between creating an artwork and 
organizing an event. On the contrary, they intend to connect these 
two terms and to bridge the gap between curators and artists. Their 
work (artistic and curatorial) deeply penetrates into the social life 
and always provokes the individual who is captured in its own 
unification. Their work opens the specific question of 
miscommunication, netting and the position of the subject in the era 
of digital technology. They create a poetic which aims to emphasize 
the specific sensibility of the human in a relation with the deep 
alienation and misunderstanding.

Selectors of the festival "Attitude" are: Biljana Petrovska 
Isijanin/Mirna Arsovska/Ljupco Spirovski Isijanin - ELEMENTI 
(Macedonia), Luca Curci - International ART EXPO (Italy), Sasa Janjic 
- REMONT Gallery Belgrade (Serbia and Montenegro), Margarethe Makovec 
- ROTOR Gallery, Graz (Austria), Alenka Gregoric - SKUC Gallery - 
Ljubljana (Slovenia), Basak Senova - NOMAD Istanbul (Turkey).

The project is mainly supported by "Pro Helvetia" - Skopje (Swiss 
Cultural Program in Macedonia). It is partly supported by USA Embassy 
in Macedonia. It has media & technical support by TERA Television. 
Sponsor for the opening: BOVIN Negotino.

As a special guest from Italy, the work of Luca Curci with Fabiana 
Roscioli, the video "Impossible love" will be shown for the opening. 
From 24th - 28th  December there will be presented the works by more 
than 60 artists: Vladimir Nikolic (Serbia and Montenegro), Massimo 
Franchi (Italy), Laura Skocek (Austria), Jovan Balov 
(Macedonia/Germany), Igor Ivanov-Izi (Macedonia), Alex Villar (USA), 
Hose Alejandro Lopez (Sweden), Aleksandar Vasiljevic/Sasa 
Markovic/Stephen Howard (Serbia and Montenegro), "Pogan-Pagan" 
(Macedonia), Caroline Waltman (Netherlands), Martin Zet (Czech 
Republic), Aleksandar Grozdanovski (Macedonia), Hristina Ivanoska 
(Macedonia), Boris Mladenovic (Serbia and Montenegro), Corpicrudi & 
Francesco Arena (Italy), Gilles Delalex & Thomas Wessel-Cessieux 
(France), Cecelia Condit (USA), Hilda Hiary (Jordan), Fulvio Rifuggio 
(Italy), Tine Louise Kortermand (France), Flavio Sciole (Italy), 
Claudia Mongini (Austria), Alex Grant (USA), Natasha Beste (USA), 
Sebastian Schluglmann & Helene A(punkt) (Austria), Ariane Maugery 
(France), Lasse Brandt and Bosse Sudenburg (Germany), Oneika Russell 
(Jamaica), Wiktor Polak (Poland), Augusto & Flavia Netto Sisa 
(Paraguay), Luis Gabriel Cantillo Mojica (Colombia), Pablo Ribot & 
Debbie Grimberg (Argentina), Roberto Belini Alves Monteiro (Brazil), 
Paulina del Paso Gordillo & Pedro Gonzales Deister (Mexico), Jorge 
Alberto Alban Dobles (Costa Rica), Selja Kameric (Bosnia & 
Herzegovina), Erzen Shkololli (Kosovo), "Artists Without Walls" 
(Israel), Marcia Brandao (Brazil), Diego David Cifuentes Guerra 
(Ecuador), Carlos Fernando Osuna (Colombia), Seung ah Lee (Korea/UK), 
Kira Kim (Korea/UK), Mirna Arsovska (Macedonia), Franc Purg 
(Slovenia), Jakup Feri (Kosovo), Sasa Vrabic (Slovenia), Patrick Ward 
(United Kingdom), Damir Niksic (Bosnia and Herzegovina), Natasha 
Dimitrievska (Macedonia), Vanja Dimitrova (Macedonia), Peter Holl 
(Austria), Sonja Boyraz (Austria/Turkey), Caroline Koebel (USA), 
Erhan Muratoglu (Turkey), Gulsun Karamustafa (Turkey), Selda Asal 
(Israel), Valentin Dimanovski (Macedonia), Charles Citron 
(Netherlands), Elementi (Macedonia), Osman Bozkurt (Turkey), Orit 
Ishay (Israel), Viktor Sekularac (Serbia and Montenegro).

The exhibition of photographs will be opened until January 20th 2006. 
On 28th of December 2005 the  project Rooms by Danish group N55 will 
be presented as a part of this event - Festival Attitude is trying to 
avoid the established activities such are round tables, conferences 
or workshops. The N55 project Rooms which is actually a part of their 
long-term project which they have been presenting in many places of 
the world, will be a substitution for the lack of Attitude 
activities, intentionally avoided. N55 will establish a room which 
during a month could be used by anybody for any non-commercial use, 
such as discussions and production of non-commercial works, 
initiating the person to think about the logical relation between the 
persons and the rights of the persons. This idea is very close to the 
concept of this festival which expresses the different conception 
towards some established criteria in this kind of manifestations, for 
example an abandonment of awards. But  at the same time it keeps some 
of the entire attributes, such is the selection of works.  Besides 
the selectors, the invited artists also take part at the selection of 
works and by this they approach the concept of this event even before 
their work would be shown.


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