[spectre] at least from my part to finish on the diverse.

Aliette Guibert guibertc at criticalsecret.com
Sat Mar 19 17:37:16 CET 2005

And the worst of everything, what led certainly to the worst of the
confusions, it is to have imposed the right of intervention as the principle
of the good in the vision of a dialectical world (the cold war was a mode of
dialectical coexistence avoid in fact a new warm nundial war) which already
existed more actually.

If the intolerance of the leaders of an ethniccultural group protecting of
the other one whatever was the ideological or materialistic causes - It
doesn't much matter of the Past, and we saw it in Yugoslavia because the new
purifiers claimed to have been of war resistant against the Nazism - so, the
regressive emergence of a post-dialectical world in Europe, nevertheless it
was to the best front in name of the right of intervention, whic is coming
really in diverse places including in Iraq, was not as the mark of a
projectual balance but perpetual imbalance of the forces (near the natural
resource sbasement) and underlying streams, and settling a persevering
no-man's-land which certainly does not take advantage in the happiness of
the people.

Yugoslavia (error on the partners in presence then opening of the road
maffioso towards Asia of among which : Afghanistan (too late intervention
for the liberties to be made lose interest), Lebanon, Iraq etc. in the name
of the international law.

On the ethical plan, the duty of intervention if it must be maintained could
not be misinformed henceforth, because it was noticed in the act by our
proper opinion after observing, of its two-tier or conflicting status, post
dialectic in any arrangement of the right and its application today.

Or we shall run to the front the worse intolerances and the worst dominions
as the beginning is still available.

Or we shall run to the front the worse intolerances and the worst global
dominions to see protecting local dominions - in fact allies by the rules of
the supranational organizations, of which we know very well they are only to
make apply the interests of the lobbies by the rebellious populations to the
rules of the business, but not to the clever solutions by the autonomous
consciousness of the local possibilities of the tolerated microsystems,
because they are the only ones to be able to insure in a global way (as
singular diversites) the survival of the biggest number - this one so
worrying about himself among main rules..

And of the currency, from my little part it was to finish of the word
"diversity". Not a catalog of products in the shop window of a department
store, but the shape of the life, as process of complexity. Either we are
not to see coming true the mortiferous final episode of all the systems of
economic, political thought and administration, including the best and the
most united which we had imagined. Either we are not to see coming true the
mortiferous final episode of all the systems of economic, political
materialistic thought and administration, including the best and the most
united which we had imagined.

If it is necessary to change rules, it is surely not by building dialectical
alternative thoughts of the global system such as the post Marxism Leninism
or the post liberalism can promise us. It is necessary to open all the doors
of the cognitive and pragmatical cleverness but surely not that of the
rationalism, should we would allocate of the agreeing logical sense.

We should allocate of the logical sense being convenient for any critical
attitude on the predictive/ predictable signs.

If the utopia is an antagonist faith of the votes to be realized, so
post-democracy does not interest me whatever it is.
I prefer the critical vision of the artistic anamorphoses which remind us
that the mirror of the utopia was a device of the same order of the
representative installation. I prefer the critical vision of the artistic
anamorphoses to conceive inaccessible difference - but / and that the
illusion was powerful by the senses. Real is not true. Please leave the
truth far from us all as it is the process of gods. But play in real what we
are on earth.

Sorry, I stop now. I go outside right now.



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