[spectre] Elections in NRW

Inke Arns inke.arns at snafu.de
Sun May 22 21:03:15 CEST 2005

Dear Spectres,

just to complete your view of the European 
landscape: today there were elections in 
North-Rhine Westphalia (NRW), the region/state I 
am currently working in. It is the largest german 
state with approx. 16 million inhabitants, and 
UR-Social Democrat because of the long history of 
coal and steel industries. It turns out now that 
the Social Democrats (SPD) and the Greens lost 
today's elections -  for the first time after 
more than 30 years. NRW was the last German state 
to have a SPD/Green government (like the federal 
german government Schroeder/Fischer). It was just 
announced in the media that federal government 
officials said that possibly would be 
parliamentary elections already in autumn 2005 
(instead of autumn 2006). What a mess!



Dr. Inke Arns
Künstlerische Leiterin / Artistic Director
Hartware MedienKunstVerein
Güntherstrasse 65 * D-44143 Dortmund
T ++49 (231) 823 106
F ++49 (231) 882 02 40
inke.arns at hmkv.de

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