[spectre] Re: contents SPECTRE Digest, Vol 37 Balatonfured-Hungary

Gillian McIver gillian at london.com
Tue Mar 21 09:57:25 CET 2006

Re: From: "sam langford" <samlangford at hotmail.com>
Subject: [spectre] RE: 12th Film Festival, Congress Center,
To: spectre at mikrolisten.de
Message-ID: <BAY102-F34D01BE9C130CE303DA23DABD80 at phx.gbl>
Content-Type: text/plain; format=flowed

>Why would anyone who is more or less sane pay $40 to an almost unknown
>organisation in United States (The Hungarian Multicultural Center, (Dallas,
>comma) Inc.) to screen their short film in Hungary?

Sam - I completely agree with you! For ages now I have been seeing these so called "calls" for films and other arts with hefty screening fees and wondered who in their right mind would send their work to such a thing. Why do artists value their work so little as to accept this kind of treatment?
Any funded or sponsored event should offer a screening fee, and if its not funded such as an artist-run event it should be free to enter. 
Having said that, i saw a call recently sponsored by the BBC and when I asked them if there was a fee they said no, they were sponsored only to fund their own admin expenses. 

Good of you to bring this up!


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