[spectre] FESTIVAL ENTER, 08.-11.11.2007 Prague

Pavel Sedlak sedlak at ciant.cz
Sun Nov 4 16:20:13 CET 2007

Dear friends and colleagues,

The third ENTER festival starts. It is our pleasure to invite you.

http://enter3.org 08.-11.11.2007 Prague

... More than 70 artists: Paul Adderley & Michael Young, Teresa Almeida,
Shawn Bailey & Jennifer Willet, Louis Bec, Laura Beloff & Erich Berger &
Martin Pichlmair, Howard Boland & Laura Cinti, Jonah Brucker-Cohen & Mike
Bennett, Peter Cusack, Boo Chapple, Ewen Chardronnet & Spectral
Investigations Collective & RIXC Media Collective, Linda Ciharova, Thomas
Cimolai & Giorgio Partesana, Beatriz da Costa & Cina Hazegh & Kevin Ponto,
Louis-Philippe Demers & Garry Stewart, Takumi Endo, Thomas Gläser & Jens
Franke, Florian Grond & Claudia Robles, Antony Hall, Salvatore Iaconesi,
Karen Ingham, Gabriela Jurkovicova. Martin Kermes, Stepan Klenik, Pavel
Kopriva, Kuda.org, Stephane Kyles, Radim Labuda, Lukas Machalicky, Frank J.
Malina, Kurt Margenau, Rachel Mayeri, Marta de Menezes, Joachim Montessuis,
Gordana Novakovic, Rob O'Neill, Pash*, Jan Pfeiffer, Pileus (Sho Hashimoto &
Takashi Matsumoto), Joerg Piringer, Pleix, Andrea Polli, Martin Pouzar,
Robert Praxmarer & Reinhold Bidner with Yasmine Hugonnet, Stelarc, Pavel
Sterec & Ales Cermak & Jan Trejbal, Lucie Svobodova, Syntfam (Andreas
Schlegel, Vladimir Todorovic), Petr Sourek, Paul Thomas & Kevin Raxworthy,
Urtica (Eduard Balaz et al.), Victoria Vesna & James Gimzewski, Angie Waller
... 80 presenters at the international conference MutaMorphosis ... CIANT (+
C2C + HEXAGRAM + LEONARDO + PEPINIERES + SCART), in collaboration with the
Czech Academy of Sciences, City Gallery of Prague, French Institute Prague,
Goethe Institute Prague, Municipal Library and Museum Kampa ... with support
of the Czech Ministry of Culture, the City of Prague, Culture 2000 programme
of EU and other partners. Special thanks: AV MEDIA + Week of Science and

Monday 05.11. 6 PM Academy of Sciences (Narodni 3)
Wednesday 07.11. 7 PM Museum Kampa (U Sovovych mlynu 2)
Thursday 08.11. 7 PM French Institute Institute (Stepanska 35)
Saturday 10.11. 6 PM Goethe Institute (Masarykovo nabrezi 32)



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