[spectre] Seasons Greetings from folly

Jennifer Stoddart jennifer.stoddart at folly.co.uk
Thu Dec 18 10:55:23 CET 2008

Merry Christmas from folly

folly's video Christmas card is now online at our youtube channel -

This year's card has been created for us by artist Adam Clarke from
material created at the recent Guerrilla film making residentials for
16-25 year olds held in Ambleside, Cumbria - brought to you by folly and
Art Locates Me and funded by Awards for All. The walrus was created by
residential participant Lloyd Blezard.

Merry Christmas, from all at folly.

Check out more video work by young people with folly's latest ArtCast
series of podcasts - in association with Art Locates Me at

folly's offices will be closed from 23rd December, reopening on 5th
January. But you can still get involved with our online projects over
the Christmas period - check out The Secret Life of Cumbria -
http://www.secretlife.org.uk, digi_club  - http://www.digi.org.uk, or
the Digital Artists' Handbook - http://www.digitalartistshandbook.org,
to name a few. You'll be able to find links to all our online content
from the folly website at  http://www.folly.co.uk/channelF 

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