[spectre] Contacts for Call Hack.Fem.East

Tatiana Bazzichelli t.bazzichelli at mclink.it
Mon Feb 18 14:21:12 CET 2008

Hallo everybody,

sorry for the cross-posting, but in the last Hack.Fem.East call there 
was a mistake in the email for contacts.

These are the correct ones:


Tatiana Bazzichelli <t.bazzichelli at mclink.it>
Gaia Novati <gaianovaz at gmail.com>

Thank you and all the best,

Tatiana Bazzichelli

           8/|\   -----------------------------------------------------
          /c_"/   Tatiana Bazzichelli  www.tatianabazzichelli.online.de
         //_/\__  projects: http://www.networkingart.eu
           /  \             http://www.ecn.org/aha
          /____\  mailing-list: http://www.ecn.org/mailman/listinfo/aha
            /|    -----------------------------------------------------

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