[spectre] Furtherfield Blog - Recent Posts of Interest on Media Art
Practice and Culture.
marc garrett
marc.garrett at furtherfield.org
Thu Feb 21 12:41:45 CET 2008
Furtherfield Blog - Recent Posts of Interest on Media Art Practice and
The Furtherfield Blog is a shared space for personal reflections on
Media Art practice: making it, curating it, translating it.
Here is a selection of recent Blog entries below,
to read more visit - http://blog.furtherfield.org
Like a flashy little sports car (reflections, part 2). By Aileen Derieg.
The first "women and tech" meeting I ever went to was a weekend workshop
in Berlin that was organized by a group of university women there. I
read their announcement on the first mailing list I was ever subscribed
to, replied that I was interested, and got on a train to Berlin. This
was a long time ago, when mailing lists were still new and the effects
relatively unexpected: every time I opened my mouth, the first response
was invariably a surprised, "You're from Austria, how did you get here?"
At the time, however, the workshop was just what I was looking for.
Permlink - http://blog.furtherfield.org/?q=node/195
Create/Debate. By Mark Hancock.
I was recently at an unworkshop at the Institute Of Creative Technology,
DeMontfort Uni (I'm also dong my phd there, part time). Amongst the
attendees were Martin Reiser, Jess Laccetti and others, including Prof
Sue Thomas, mine and Jess's supervisor. We were trying to tackle the
subject of transliteracy (the ability to think and work across multiple
platforms, from orality to new media objects). and to understand fully
what it means to do so. The above may sound like a simplified version of
what we all do anyway, particularly anyone who comes to Furtherfield on
a regular basis, but it has certain depths and paradigms in it, that are
still under exploration and being explored: with one paper already
having being published on First Mondays' website.
Pronouns and the power of definition. By Aileen Derieg.
Technically, a pronoun is just a placeholder, a small, seemingly
unimportant word that substitutes for a noun. Sometimes, though, the
power of pronouns to define what is perceived as reality can be troubling.
Permlink - http://blog.furtherfield.org/?q=node/197
Australia says sorry. By Helen Varley Jamieson.
I'm in sydney this week with my grandmother, and this morning we got up
early to watch The Apology broadcast live on TV. former prime minister
of australia john howard refused for 11 years to say sorry to the
indigenous people of this country, but kevin rudd has only been prime
minister for 11 weeks and he's prioritised this significant act for the
first day of the new parliament.
More Info:
This multi-blog is a place to intuitively explore media arts practice,
together, as it occurs, to develop understanding and to learn, without
any pressure to formulate complete arguments or to come up with answers.
The blog was set up in Autumn 2006, initially as a place for informal,
day to day exchange between members of the Furtherfield.org team,
including editors/reviewers. The team discovered that this format suited
some people more than others and are now open to new contributors. The
Furtherfield blog is not intended as a platform to promote particular
projects. Instead bloggers explore their own perspectives on their own
terms; personal thoughts, emotional responses and critical intentions
that are rarely publicly discussed elsewhere in such detail.
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