[spectre] // Announcing the CryptoParty Handbook //

Julian Oliver julian at julianoliver.com
Thu Oct 4 02:36:17 CEST 2012

Hey list,


We're very pleased to announce the #CryptoParty Handbook (v1).

CryptoParties are a global movement in the interests of educating and empowering
people to protect their basic human right to Privacy in the age of the Internet.

A CryptoParty is an informal gathering where cryptographic, tunneling and
anonymity tools are installed and used on laptops, smartphones and tablet
computers. Network attack vectors and surveillance strategies are performed and
studied such that those at a CryptoParty are presently aware of the risks.

The CryptoParty movement began in Twitter less than 2 months ago in response to
legal reforms proposed in Australia that would implement state-wide surveillance
of all civilian communications in both cellular and Internet domains. 

There have since been many CryptoParties world wide with dozens proposed from
Johannesburg to Calgary..

This 392 page, Creative Commons licensed handbook guides those with little
technical knowledge how to protect their privacy in the networked, digital

The book was written in 3 days using the BookSprint system at Studio Weise7 in
Berlin by a small core group and plenty of help from others.

The book can be downloaded here in a PDF format:


It can be bought in print from Lulu here (at cost price):


It will be available for Kindle and iPad in various E-Pub formats within 48
hours of this email. Visit the CryptoParty website above for updates. 


Warm regards from Berlin,

Julian Oliver
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