[spectre] Critical Botox - new exhibtion at PAVILION

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Thu Sep 27 02:20:29 CEST 2012

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CRITICAL BOTOX in times of 2.0 feudalism 

04 octombrie 2012 – 06 ianuarie 2013 

PAVILION , Sos. Nicolae Titulescu nr. 1 (Piata Victoriei), Bucuresti

Deschidere: Joi, 04 octombrie 2012, 19.00

After opening party: gasiti detalii la finalul anuntului

 Curator: Alex Brahim (CO/ES)

Participanti: Aggtelek (ES/BE), Anamor (ES), José Begega (ES),
Karmelo Bermejo (ES/MX), Zeljko Blace (BA/HR), Lúa Coderch (PE/ES),
Bruce LaBruce (CA), Andrés Duplat (CO), Juan Pablo Echeverri (CO),
Félix Fernández (ES), Jorge García (ES), Miquel García (ES),
Andrea Gómez (CO/ES), Núria Güell (ES), Fermín Jiménez Landa
(ES), Lydia Lunch (US), Santiago Monge (CO), R. Marcos Mota (ES), Joan
Martí Ortega (ES), Daniela Ortiz (PE/ES), Aníbal Parada (AR/ES),
Avelino Sala (ES), Andrés Senra (ES), Daniel Silvo (ES), Toni Tena
(ES), David Latorre (ES), Oriol Vilanova (ES)

CRITICAL BOTOX in times of 2.0 feudalism, foloseste o linie narativa
fictiva cu inspiratie de tip tabloid, pentru a prinde forma intr-o
publicatie online si intr-o serie de expozitii, prima dintre ele avand
loc la PAVILION in Bucuresti. 

"Proiectul se bazeaza pe un cadru personal, pe relatia prudenta a
curatorului cu artistii care activeaza inspirational in mai multe zone
sociale utilizand diverse forme de productie sau actiuni politice.
Inteleasa ca o practica politica in sine, CRITICAL BOTOX sustine
valoarea politica a contactului uman direct, in aceste vremuri confuze
ale virtualizarii si dezumanizarii in interactiune co-individuala. 

Publicatia online utilizeaza estetica revistelor de scandal ca pe un
sofism vizual confuz, concentrandu-se pe realitatea continutului, pe
mesajele politice ale lucrarii sau pe traiectoria artistului. Acestea
servesc, manieristic, ca o legatura conceptuala intre diferite
publicatii online si recursurile facilitate de artisti, aderandu-se
publicului interesat in explorarea fiecareia dintre ele. 

Fiecare expozitie, prima fiind cea de la Bucuresti, functioneaza ca
un exemplu complex cu proiectie in publicatia online a expozitiei.
Fiecare act curatorial reflecta eterogenitatea viziunilor si
atitudinilor care rezulta din creatia artistica contemporana pentru a
cuprinde spectrul larg al conditiilor politice intr-o lume
globalizata." (Alex Brahim) 

Expozitia va fi acompaniata de o publicatie realizata la finalul
actului curatorial, precum si de un o publicatie tip poster/ziar
dedicata primei expozitii care va contine structura generala a
proiectului, ilustratii si texte de autori invitati. Publicatiile vor
fi realizate la inchderea proiectelor pentru a finaliza cercetarea ce
se desfasoara in timpul expozitiiloe. Design-ul grafic pentru acest
proiect va fi realizat de studioul Los Trini din Barcelona. 

Alex Brahim, nascut la Cúcuta in Columbia, este un curator
independent si manager cultural, stabilit in Barcelona. Aria sa de
interes cuprinde teorie, productie, programare, comunicare si
activism, si este centrata pe transversalitatea retelelor, cu accent
pe codurile culturale si spatiile lor critice de negociere. Conduce
alaturi de expertul in marketing Tania Brett, DIBINA (Digital Büro of
International Art), o platforma curatoriala independenta , de
management cultural si de comunicare relationala. Unul dintre
proiectele lor importante este managementul si coordonarea programului
pentru Antigua Casa Haiku, un spatiu artistic din Barcelona. El
pregateste in mod regulat programe si expozitii independente,
colaboreaza cu diverse media si este lector invitat in diferite centre
de arta si universitati. Brahim a dezvoltat proiecte la: La Casa
Encendida, Madrid; CCCB, Barcelona; Matadero, Madrid; La Capella,
Barcelona; Espai Cultural Caja Madrid, Barcelona; Museu de
l’Empordà, Figueres; Loop, Barcelona, sau Off Limits, Madrid, etc.
In prezent este unul dintre membrii juriului pentru premiile anuale de
arta contemporana BCN Producció, din Barcelona, precum si consultant
pentru Art Production Factories Program al Ajuntament de Barcelona
(Primaria Barcelona). CRITICAL BOTOX este primul sau proiect
curatorial in afara Spaniei. 


FB event: http://www.facebook.com/events/287107844722209/ 

Expozitia este sustinuta de PAVILION - journal for politics and
culture - www.pavilionjournal.org 

Toate evenimentele conexe sunt generate de REFORMA - www.re-forma.ro 

After opening party: 


Joi 4 octombrie 2012, 22.00 

@ Control Club 

Constantin Mille 4, Bucuresti

Intrarea libera

Cu Bogman si invitatii sai speciali si ultra surprinzatori.

Proiectii din desene animate din perioada trecuta.

Detalii pe FB event: http://www.facebook.com/events/351707911589185/ 


CRITICAL BOTOX in times of 2.0 feudalism 

October 04, 2012 – January 06, 2013 

PAVILION , Sos. Nicolae Titulescu no. 1 (Piata Victoriei), Bucharest

Opening: Joi, 04 octombrie 2012, 19.00

After opening party: please scroll down

Curator: Alex Brahim (CO/ES)

Participants: Aggtelek (ES/BE), Anamor (ES), José Begega (ES),
Karmelo Bermejo (ES/MX), Zeljko Blace (BA/HR), Bruce LaBruce (CA),
Lúa Coderch (PE/ES), Andrés Duplat (CO), Juan Pablo Echeverri (CO),
Félix Fernández (ES), Jorge García (ES), Miquel García (ES),
Andrea Gómez (CO/ES), Núria Güell (ES), Fermín Jiménez Landa
(ES), Lydia Lunch (US), Santiago Monge (CO), R. Marcos Mota (ES), Joan
Martí Ortega (ES), Daniela Ortiz (PE/ES), Aníbal Parada (AR/ES),
Avelino Sala (ES), Andrés Senra (ES), Daniel Silvo (ES), Toni Tena
(ES), David Latorre (ES), Oriol Vilanova (ES)

CRITICAL BOTOX In times of 2.0 feudalism uses a fictional narrative
line, a faux gossip magazine, to take its real form as an online
process-publication and series of exhibitions, the first of which will
take place on October 2012 at Pavilion in Bucharest. 

"The project is based on the framework of personal, presential
relationships that the curator sustains with the artists, whose work
is in turn linked, from several thematic axes and production formats,
to the political. Understood as a political practice in itself,
CRITICAL BOTOX claims the political value of direct human contact in
these trying times of virtualization and dehumanization in
co-individual interaction. 

The online publication uses the aesthetic of gossip magazines as
visually distracting sophism, focusing on the reality of the content,
the political interests of the work and artist trajectories. It
serves, in this way, as a bridge to the different sites and recourses
facilitated by the artists to a public that would be interested in
exploring each of them. The textual contents emerge from a standard
interview answered by all participants.

Each exhibit functions as a sample set of the microcosms implied
within this publication. They would also act as a reflection of the
heterogeneity in visions and attitudes that stem from contemporary
artistic creation to encompass the wide spectrum of the political
conditions in a globalized world." (Alex Brahim)

This exhibition at Pavilion shall be accompanied by a printed
publication: a fold-out poster with the general structure of the
project, a graphic illustration of the relationship framework in
CRITICAL BOTOX and texts by guest authors. The graphic design for this
project will be handled by Barcelona based studio Los Trini. 

Alex Brahim (Cúcuta, Colombia, 1977) is an Independent art curator
and cultural projects manager based in Barcelona. His work encompasses
theory, production, programming, communication and activism and is
centered in the transversality of networks with an emphasis in
cultural codes and their critical spaces of negotiation. He
co-directs, along with marketing expert Tania Brett, DIBINA (Digital
Büro of International Art), an independent curatorial, cultural
management and relational communication platform. One of their
highlights is the management and coordination of the program for the
Antigua Casa Haiku art space in Barcelona (2008-2011). He regularly
prepares independent and commissioned programs and exhibitions,
collaborates with different media and is guest lecturer in different
art centers and universities. He has developed projects at La Casa
Encendida, Madrid; CCCB, Barcelona; Matadero, Madrid; La Capella,
Barcelona; Espai Cultural Caja Madrid, Barcelona; Museu de
l’Empordà, Figueres; Loop, Barcelona, or Off Limits, Madrid, among
others. He is currently one of the jury members and tutors for the
Barcelona annual contemporary arts grant BCN Producció, as well as a
consultant for the development of the Art Production Factories Program
of the Ajuntament de Barcelona (City Hall). Critical Botox is his
first curatorial full project abroad. 


FB event: http://www.facebook.com/events/287107844722209/ 

Exhibition supported by PAVILION – journal for politics and culture
- www.pavilionjournal.org 

All connected events are generated by REFORMA - www.re-forma.ro

After opening party: 


Joi 4 octombrie 2012, 22.00 

@ Control Club 

Constantin Mille 4, Bucuresti

Intrarea libera


With Bogman and his very special and surprize guest. 

Projections from before '89 cartoons.

Details on the FB event:


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