[spectre] Dorkbotsheffield #7 at Access Space

Jake Harries jakeharries at gmail.com
Fri Apr 19 12:38:46 CEST 2013

Dorkbotsheffield #7

A new DorkbotSheffield season coming up, starting with the 7th edition of
Dork on
Wednesday April 24th, from 7pm. at Access Space.
For those new to the international phenomena Dorkbot, each meeting consists
around 3 presentations by “people doing strange things with electricity” –
a purposefully
loose definition for what you might call electronic or digital art. People
come to dorkbot
because they’re an engineer who wants to be an artist, or an artist who
wants to be an
engineer, are something in between, or otherwise interested. It’s free
entry and beer
is always available.
Here’s the line-up for April 24th, talk descriptions to follow:

Andrew Sorensen - The physics playroom
Ella Sergeant - Synaesthetic art
Martyn Eggleton - Visual Minecraft Hacking on the Raspberry Pi

Plus! An exciting paper-based auction! Have a look between talks, and up
the bids.
All to help launch an urgent Access Space fundraising drive. If you’ve got
some interesting
bit of kit you have lying around, why not bring it along and add it to the
Pledged so far:

A nanode, ethernet-enabled arduino!
Your very own custom-built DronePhone!
A new and exciting AlgoRave t-shirt!

Raspberry Jam is also the same time and night as dorkbotsheffield this
so we’re having an informal hangout together. They’re just down the road,
in the Workstation (conference room 2), and will be doing various
experiments with
the Raspberry Pi, including with sensors, motors, steppers and servos. This
is a bit
of an experiment – we’re not sure exactly how this will work – but but feel
free to
move between the two events, and we will all end up in the same pub at the

Be sure to let us know if you would like to present something at a future

More info: http://dorkbotsheffield.lurk.org/

All the best
Sent from my Zero Dollar Laptop
Jake Harries, Digital Art Programme Manager,
ACCESS SPACE, 3-7  Sidney St, Sheffield, S1 4RG, UK
t: +44 (0) 114 249 5522   w: www.access-space.org
Reg. Charity 1103837
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