[spectre] 2/5BZ 'Istanbul Golden Age Courthoustep' @ Berlin, Donau, ..

ali karan ali_kuzan at yahoo.co.uk
Sat Mar 30 05:52:59 CET 2013

2/5BZ recent '' Istanbul Courthoustep Age '' live set ( 27 min.51 sec. )
performed on Tour Sept./Oct. 2012 ( Brussel, Leipzig, Berlin, Koln)

2/5BZ @ Donau Festival4th May 2013  

2/5BZ @ FischladenBerlin 3rd April 2013

http://stressfaktor.squat.net/termine.php?tag=03042013"No turistik! No egzotik!" Audio/Video 
2/5 BZ (noriental core) 

2/5BZ @ Villa Kuriosum Berlin 11th May 2013
2/5BZ @ Poland- Germany Tour  , 16 - 28 June 2013

 aka Serhat Koksal (Istanbul), works in a range of media, with releases 
in video, music and literary formats since 1986. His work is 
characterized by a balancing on the verge of trash and the ongoing 
production of collages of music, cinema, web caches, speech and field 
recordings. 2/5BZ has put on live audiovisual performances in 19 
countries and 91 cities, at clubs, festivals, squats and exhibitions. He
 concentrates on concepts such as cultural pipeline, energy dialogue, 
Turkish pop cinema, deconstruction, exotic tourism, anti-city myths, 
copy culture and remakes, investigating cultural clichés and Recent ( 
New Golden-Age ) scientific discoveries; hardcore ultra modernism's new 
strategies of future developments and their effects on the economic and 
political situation of individuals. In his audiovisual performances he 
has focused on new security measures and the indisputable acceptance of 
volunteering and is currently working on since 2007 '' New Age Tooleance
 Vampirism '', '' DNA Fascism '', '' Hologram Doctrine '', '' Avatar 
Liberalism '' in '' Palaverel '' and '' Paralel Universes as well as '' 
Cosmic Nottoman NOptimism '' and recent performance  ''  '' Istanbul 
Courthoustep'' (NOriental Step) .

The world's largest palace of justice (courthouse) is built in Istanbul (2013)    
' bir memlekette ne kadar kanun sayisi çoksa o memleket halki o kadar geri demektir - Aziz Nesin ''

....Dj VJ set @ Luneburg Leuphana Univercity in 1st March Friday 2013 .'' New Age Fascism & Web Caches ''

http://2-5bz.tumblr.com/criticzphotoz Critics / Photoz / TourZ
.........................http://2-5bz.tumblr.com/post/31564443522/2-5bz  Istanbul Courthoustep Tour 2012
http://az-koeln.org/ai1ec_event/geheimklub-prasentiert-25bz-aka-serhat-koksal-live-djs/?instance_id=85334interview KOLN AZ  
NO eXotik NO turistiK  2001 - 2012

2/5 BZ @ Gonzo Circus Magazine CD ( 1.2013 )

http://2-5bz.tumblr.com/interviewire    2/5BZ @ WIRE MAGAZINE
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