[spectre] Please take action on this petition !

John Maher johntmaher at yahoo.com
Sun Jun 8 22:04:45 CEST 2014

The better portion would be to ask for an impartial inquiry from an international organization outside Ireland. Asking the Gardai to investigate is akin to asking the prisoners to guard a prison.

Sent from my iPhone

> On Jun 8, 2014, at 4:00 PM, Séamas Cain <seamascain at gmail.com> wrote:
> _____________________________________
> A petition to Frances Fitzgerald,
> Irish Minister for Justice and Equality,
> demanding a full Gardaí [police] investigation
> into the mass grave of children
> in Tuam, County Galway, Ireland ...
> We, the undersigned, call for a judicial investigation into the circumstances surrounding the deaths of 796 children whose bodies lie in a mass grave in Tuam, County Galway, Ireland.
> We understand that the children died while they were in the custody of the Bon Secours Sisters between approximately 1925 and 1961.
> We are concerned that evidence suggests that the mortality rate for these children was significantly higher than the national rate of infant mortality at the time.  And we are shocked at reliable, contemporaneous accounts that the children were malnourished and seemingly uncared-for, when the Irish State was paying the Bon Secours to look after them. 
> We request that the investigation begin at the earliest possible date and that the final report is made public, in full, when it is complete.
> We also request that any individual or organization which fails to co-operate fully, and in a timely fashion, with the investigation should be charged with the obstruction of justice.
> http://www.avaaz.org/en/petition/Frances_Fitzgerald_Irish_Minister_for_Justice_and_Equality_A_full_Gardai_investigation_into_the_mass_grave_in_Tuam_Co_Ga/?tyZJhbb
> _____________________________________
> ______________________________________________
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