[spectre] Desctopsculptures Edition 2 @ ScreenSaverGallery

hello | florian kuhlmann hello at floriankuhlmann.com
Thu Nov 19 12:37:20 CET 2015

dear all,

„We escaped the prison of the office towers, just to tie ourself to the desktops at home. 
And a new generation learned, there is no freedom in capitalism. So at least make your prisons beautifull."

In 2012 i launched www.desktopsculptures.de <http://www.desktopsculptures.de/> editon 2 as a website, but always planed to continue and extend the idea. 
So many thanx to Tomas from metazoa.org for presenting the brandnew edition 2 of the desktopsculpture series at his ScreenSaverGallery  <http://screensaver.metazoa.org/>
Just download the screensavers, which are available for Windows and Mac OSX, and get the new edition directly to your desktop. 
Pics change regulary, i tend to update at nights…



hello | floriankuhlmann.com

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