[spectre] Antw: Re: on Hungary

Andreas Broeckmann ab at mikro.in-berlin.de
Fri Apr 13 13:31:53 CEST 2018

Am 13.04.18 um 12:30 schrieb heath bunting:
> here is a question
> what would the policies of a non-racist, non-corrupt, but non-imperial
> nation state government in central europe look like: especially concerning
> the syrian refugee crisis ?
> bearing in mind that such a government has to be popular with its citizens
> and be working for the citizens best interests

heath, i take it that in your scenario any moral (or ethical) concerns 
that are not "popular" with "citizens" would rank low?

how would you define "the citizens best interests"?

and in that scenario, how would you evaluate those phonecalls dictating 
to journalists which scare-messages to put in the newspaper (see janos' 
msg which started this thread)?

yours faithfully,

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