[spectre] CALL FOR WORKS: Sound Affects - Stand with persecuted Palestinian poet Dareen

AGF poemproducer agf at poemproducer.com
Fri Jul 27 14:03:02 CEST 2018

I need to update the link for poem translation, please use these authorized ones
thanks for reading


> On 27 Jul 2018, at 13:12, AGF poemproducer <agf at poemproducer.com> wrote:
> Dear spectre list,
> the poet Dareen Tatour published a powerful poem on facebook, she is under house arrest since and on trial for this poem next week.
> We ask the international community to make art with this poem... see the call below.
> All info under this website: https://www.poemontrial.org/
> Please spread with hashtags #poemontrial #freedareentatour !
> thanks
> agee
> Sound Affects - Stand with persecuted Palestinian poet Dareen Tatour
> https://www.poemontrial.org/
> Dareen Tatour is a young Palestinian poet from the town of Reineh near Nazareth in the Galilee. 
> She was convicted by the Israeli state on charges of incitement to violence following a poem she published: “Resist, my people, resist them”. 
> The lyrics of the poem in Arabic, English and Hebrew are available here.
> https://freedareentatour.org/poems
> If we, many of us, also publish her words and we are not convicted by the Israeli state, then we must ask the true basis upon which this poet was criminalised.
> You are invited to create a sound work in any style which you see fit, using Dareen’s poem as your lyrical base.
> With your agreement we intend to curate a digital-only album of submissions, to be made available for sale on several platforms.
> All sale proceeds will be utilised to assist Dareen’s legal challenge to her conviction.
> Please submit your piece by 28/9/2018 via Wetransfer to:
> poemontrial at gmail.com
> For more information you are invited to visit the Free Dareen Tatour site and Facebook page.
> https://www.facebook.com/FreeDareenTatour/?hc_ref=SEARCH
> Thank you,
> Meira Asher, Dganit Elyakim, Liam Evans,
> Antye Greie and Yoav Haifawi.
> https://www.poemontrial.org/

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