[spectre] [ann] PhD positions Cyprus University of Technology

Marinos Koutsomichalis marinos at agxivatein.com
Wed Apr 17 12:30:56 CEST 2019

Hello list, 

This might be of interest to some of the people here. There are several PhD
positions related to digital arts and art-technology-design announced at
the Cyprus University of Technology [1]. The ones I personally supervise
are on 'Electronic Music / Sound Art', 'Generative Art', and 'Do It With Others (DIWO)
Methodologies for Artistic Production and Education'. You are both encouranged and very welcomed to contact me for more info - (please
directly on my email however and with in a different thread, as I don't
really follow discussions on the list these days). Please note that the
deadline is on April the 30th. 

[1] https://www.cut.ac.cy/studies/phd/phd-posts/mga-pg/?languageId=1

Marinos Koutsomichalis, Ph.D. | Artist, Creative Technologist
Lecturer in Creative Multimedia Applications, Department of Multimedia and Graphics Arts, Cyprus University of Technology
skype: MarinosK_81

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