[spectre] Thermal Objects and The Nature of Data Centers: new double issue of Culture Machine

Gary Hall mail at garyhall.info
Thu May 9 16:42:59 CEST 2019

We are excited to announce the publication of the latest edition of the 
open access journal Culture Machine (http://culturemachine.net). This is 
a special double-issue, consisting of:

Culture Machine Vol. 17 (2019):  Thermal Objects, edited by Elena Beregow

Culture Machine Vol. 18 (2019): The Nature of Data Centers, edited by 
Mél Hogan and Asta Vonderau

The contents of each issue are provided below.

Established in 1999, Culture Machine is now edited principally by 
Gabriela Méndez Cota and Rafico Ruiz. Its aim is to seek out and promote 
scholarly work that engages provocatively with contemporary technical 
objects, processes and imaginaries from the North and South. Building on 
its open ended, non-instrumental, and exploratory approach to critical 
theory, Culture Machine is actively calling for creative proposals that 
contest and come up against globalizing technical narratives and the 
environmental logics of extraction.

Culture Machine is part of Open Humanities Press:


Vol. 17: Thermal Objects, edited by Elena Beregow

Editorial: Theorizing Temperatures and the Social − Elena Beregow

Time, Temperature and its Informational Turn – Wolfgang Ernst

Hot and Cold Techniques in the Longue Durée of Media − Erhard Schüttpelz

Cooked or Fermented? The Thermal Logic of Social Transformation − Elena 

Thermocultures of Memory – Samir Bhowmik

Natural Ice and the Emerging Cryopolis: A Historical Perspective on 
Urban Cold Infrastructure – Paula Schönach

Infernal Machinery: Thermopolitics of the Explosion − Nigel Clark

Thermal Violence: Heat Rays, Sweatboxes and the Politics of Exposure − 
Nicole Starosielski

As ‘index and metaphor’: Migration and the Thermal Imaginary in Richards 
Mosse’s Incoming − Niall Martin

Distance Runners as Thermal Objects: Temperature Work, Somatic Learning 
and Thermal Attunement – John Hockey and Jacquelyn Allen-Collinson

Posthuman Dance: Body Heart and Haptic Intimacy in ORA – Hilary Bergen

Thermal Envelopes: Heat and Warmth in Installation Art − Gunnar Schmidt

Performative Raw Clay Practices and Ceramic Firing Techniques − Agustina 


Vol. 18: The Nature of Data Centers, edited by Mél Hogan and Asta Vonderau

Editorial − Mél Hogan and Asta Vonderau

Resurrection from Bunkers and Data Centers − Adam Fish and Bradley L. 

Emplacing Data Within Imperial Histories: Imagining Iceland as Data 
Centers’ ‘Natural’ Home − Alix Johnson

Silicon Forest and Server Farms: The (Urban) Nature of Digital 
Capitalism in the Pacific Northwest − Anthony M Levenda and Dillon Mahmoudi

  The Second Coming: Google and Internet Infrastructure – Vicki Mayer

An Apple a Day: Listening to Data Centre Site Selection through a 
Sonospheric Investigation − Matt Parker

Managing Carbon and Data Flows: Fungible Forms of Mediation in the Cloud 
− Anne Pasek

The Data Center as Technological Wilderness − A.R.E Taylor

Data Centres as Impermanent Infrastructures − Julia Velkova

Storing Data, Infrastructuring the Air: Thermocultures of the Cloud − 
Asta Vonderau

When Infrastructure Becomes Failure: A material analysis of the 
limitations of cloud gaming services − Sean RM Willett

(Please note that a temporary issue with the site's SSL certificate 
requires you to view the issues on a secure network)

Gary Hall, http://www.garyhall.info
Professor of Media, Coventry University
Director of Open Humanities Press: http://www.openhumanitiespress.org

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