[spectre] Experimental Publishing II - Symposium with Mark Amerika and Nick Thurston, Coventry University, May 28th

Gary Hall mail at garyhall.info
Fri May 10 10:58:14 CEST 2019

Experimental Publishing II – Critique, Intervention, And Speculation

A half-day symposium with talks by Mark Amerika (UC Boulder) and Nick 
Thurston (University of Leeds)

*2:15-5:30pm May 28*
*Centre for Postdigital Cultures*
*Teaching Room*
*3rd Floor Lanchester Library*
*Coventry University*

In 2019 and 2020, the Centre for Postdigital Cultures (CPC) will be 
hosting a series of symposia exploring contemporary approaches to 
experimental publishing. Over the course of the series, we will ask 
questions about the role and nature of experimentation in publishing, 
about ways in which experimental publishing has been formulated and 
performed in the past, and ways in which it shapes our publishing 
imaginaries at present. This series aims to conceptualise and map what 
experimental publishing is or can be and to explore what lies behind our 
aims and motivations to experiment /through /publishing. As such, it 
forms the first activity within the CPC’s new Post-Publishing programme 
<https://post-publishing.org/>, an initiative committed to exploring 
iterative and processual forms of publishing and their role in 
reconceptualising publishing as an integral part of the research and 
writing process, i.e. as that which inherently shapes it.


Mark Amerika <http://markamerika.com/>, a Professor of Distinction at 
the University of Colorado, has exhibited his artwork internationally at 
venues such as the Whitney Biennial of American Art, the Institute of 
Contemporary Arts in London, and The ZKM | Center for Art and Media in 
Karlsruhe, Germany.He is the author of many books including/The Kafka 
Chronicles/(FC2),/Sexual Blood/(FC2),/remixthebook/(University of 
Minnesota Press—remixthebook.com 
A Digital Poetics/(The MIT Press),/remixthecontext/(Routledge), 
and/Locus Solus (An Inappropriate Translation Composed in a 21st Century 
Manner)/(Counterpath Press).

Nick Thurston 
a writer and editor who makes artworks. His most recent books include 
the co-edited collection,/Post-Digital Cultures of the Far 
Right/(Bielefeld: Transcript, 2018), and an experimental 
Spanish-language translation of his last poetic book by NO_LIBROS 
(Barcelona, 2019). Recent and current exhibitions include shows at 
Transmediale (Berlin, 2018), Q21 (Vienna, 2018), MuHKA (Antwerp, 2018) 
and HMKV (Dortmund, 2019).


Experimental publishing can be positioned as an intervention, a mode of 
critique, and a tool of speculation. It is a way of thinking about 
writing and publishing today that has at its centre a commitment to 
questioning and breaking down distinctions between practice and theory, 
criticality and creativity, and between the scholarly and the artistic.

In this series of events we propose to explore contemporary approaches 
to experimental publishing as:

  * /an ongoing critique/ of our current publishing systems and
    practices, deconstructing existing hegemonies and questioning the
    fixtures in publishing to which we have grown accustomed—from the
    book as a stable object to single authorship and copyright.
  * /an affirmative practice/ which offers means to re-perform our
    existing writerly, research, and publishing institutions and
    practices /through/ publishing experiments.
  * /a speculative practice/ that makes possible an exploration of
    different futures for writing and research, and the emergence of
    new, potentially more inclusive forms, genres, and spaces of
    publishing, open to ambivalence and failure.

This take on experimentation can be understood as a heterogeneous, 
unpredictable, and uncontained /process/, one that leaves the critical 
potentiality of the book as a medium open to new intellectual, 
political, and economic contingencies.

Gary Hall, http://www.garyhall.info
Professor of Media, Coventry University
Director of Open Humanities Press: http://www.openhumanitiespress.org

'Open Humanities Press – The Inhumanist Manifesto', Journal of Peer Production #13: OPEN, April (2019)

‘Pirate Philosophy’, This Is Not A Pipe Podcast (2018)

HyperCritical Theory

Übercapitalism and What Can Be Done About It (2018)

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