[spectre] Brandon LaBelle / Anna Bromley - ribs#14

Therese Schuleit ts at elektronentoto.mobi
Thu Aug 13 18:27:14 CEST 2020

a dear invitation to tune in

13.08.2020 - 19:00 CEST
ribs #14	
Brandon LaBelle / Anna Bromley

Being a long-time radio practitioner herself Anna Bromley’s works and research are focussing on the development of independent DIY-radio stations like „Radio Fledermaus“ / „Radio Bat“, which in West Germany in the late 1970s not only demanded a "grassroots radio", but actually took action and broadcasted. Criminalised by the state, Ulrich K. and Bodo K. engaged in a constant underground game of cat and mouse with the state authorities.

“The Other Citizen” by Brandon LaBelle narrates the emergence of communities in movement, those shaped by neighborhood initiatives in Athens, solidarity economies of Jackson, acts of ecological care seeking. The Other Citizen is figured as a network, a poetic act, one that comes to reconstitute notions of kinship and what counts as rightful presence. The reading from the recently published book (of the same title) by the artist guides us into a scene of collaborative making, composed along with a recording from a workshop LaBelle co-facilitated in Santiago de Chile in 2019, focusing on community and collective improvisation. Including the participation of Ana María Briede, Mónica Bate, Federico Eisner, Gregorio Fontaine, Andrés Grumann, Matías Serrano, Bárbara Molina, Jessica Figueroa, Ignacia Biskupovic, Fernando Pérez Villalón, Brandon LaBelle, Soledad García Saavedra, Mauricio Barría, Carla Ansaldi, Sybil Bintrup, Samuel Ibarra, Josefina de la Maza, Agustín González, Mabel Olea, Aurora Eisner, Sofía Downey, and more. 

on https://www.inbetweenspaces.net <https://www.inbetweenspaces.net/>, 
www.p-node.org <http://www.p-node.org/> (with the possibility to comment or ask questions later) 
or via this live stream link <https://radioinbetweenspaces.out.airtime.pro/radioinbetweenspaces_a> 

MixCloud → <http://angewandteakustik.org/?mailpoet_router&endpoint=track&action=click&data=WyI0Iiwiemc5bjQ1eDd6Mjh3NGNzazBvZzhjZ280bzBjY2NnOG8iLCI5IiwiNDlhNTRiYzVlMzY2IixmYWxzZV0> | twitter → <http://angewandteakustik.org/?mailpoet_router&endpoint=track&action=click&data=WyI0Iiwiemc5bjQ1eDd6Mjh3NGNzazBvZzhjZ280bzBjY2NnOG8iLCI5IiwiYmI1ZTIyYjBkYzA3IixmYWxzZV0> | soundcloud → <http://angewandteakustik.org/?mailpoet_router&endpoint=track&action=click&data=WyI0Iiwiemc5bjQ1eDd6Mjh3NGNzazBvZzhjZ280bzBjY2NnOG8iLCI5IiwiNDg2NTkxZjUzMjgzIixmYWxzZV0> | facebook→ <http://angewandteakustik.org/?mailpoet_router&endpoint=track&action=click&data=WyI0Iiwiemc5bjQ1eDd6Mjh3NGNzazBvZzhjZ280bzBjY2NnOG8iLCI5IiwiMGRiM2Q1YzQwNzIxIixmYWxzZV0> | streaminglink <http://angewandteakustik.org/?mailpoet_router&endpoint=track&action=click&data=WyI0Iiwiemc5bjQ1eDd6Mjh3NGNzazBvZzhjZ280bzBjY2NnOG8iLCI5IiwiNzljZjBiN2I0ZDNlIixmYWxzZV0>→

looking forward!


Therese Schuleit
+49176 22 00 888 4


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