[spectre] From the vault: podcast with generative music and CA researcher Dave Burraston

Radio Web MACBA rwm2008 at gmail.com
Fri Sep 17 11:02:10 CEST 2021

In this podcast, Dave Burraston
<https://rwm.macba.cat/en/sonia/david-burraston/capsula> talks about his
rainwire project and how using rain as a creative medium has led him to an
ongoing research that could overcome some recognized shortcomings in the
field of rainfall measurements. He also talks about complex systems and
creative practice in science, with an overview of CA and its applications,
including his findings on CA rule space self-organization using modular
synthesizers and CA sequencers.

Link: https://rwm.macba.cat/en/sonia/david-burraston/capsula

Technology and science are widely used to make art, but that rarely happens
the other way around. Dave Burraston
<https://rwm.macba.cat/en/sonia/david-burraston/capsula>’s approach to
creative practice binds the three together to yield surprising results – so
he accordingly describes himself as an artist/scientist. His PhD thesis on
Generative Music and Cellular Automata (CA) opened up new approaches for a
key unsolved problem in the CA arena, as well as being the sequencer source
for many of his generative experimental electronic music releases.
Likewise, his rainwire project, an environmental sonification system, is
proving to be both a potential method for more accurate measurements of
rainfall as well as exquisite sound material for several of his

Since 1981, either under his name, as one of his many monikers (NYZ, Bryen
Telko, Dave Noyze), or through his independent art/science studio
(Noyzelab), Dave has been actively working on experimental research-based
projects, ranging from sound synthesis and electronic music to field
recording and landscape-scale sound art.

*00:00* Digital ontologies
*06:16* Intro
*09:07* Rainwire. Contemporary rural art practices and rainfall research
*25:00* From classical piano to algorithmic composition
*30:24* Creative practice & complex systems
*32:18* Cellular Automata (CA). Origins, functioning and behaviour
*35:52* Modelling complex systems. Research applications for CA
*39:48* Visualization, mapping & musical implementations for CA
*45:13* Prior sound approaches to CA

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