[spectre] INVITATION: Moving Art - Dance and Projection Performance and Workshop

Emőke Bada emoke at emoke.org
Sat Sep 18 15:40:29 CEST 2021

*Moving Art *

Ideal Spaces Working Group & Vertical Waves Project is pleased to invite
you for the Moving Art Project that will take place in Karlsruhe, Germany.

This project is about civitas, the idea of European citizenship in freedom
and diversity, as a core value of democracy. Moving Art depicts the
different art forms that collaborate to offer a new possible vision of the
space where human society can live. It presents a synergy between
architecture, installation, video and dance: we create not only a tangible
scene but also a space that is enriched through videos expressing ideas and
dance representing the life and dynamism of humankind.

*Event 1: *
Dance and projection performance on September 22nd in front of the
Protestant town church at the market square, beginning at 8 p.m CET.

*Event 2: *
Workshop (physical and online) on September 23 at the Digital Offices,
Bahnhofsplatz 12, 10 a.m. to 12.30 CET.
Please confirm your presence via e-mail:* RSVP - idealspaceswg at gmail.com
<idealspaceswg at gmail.com>*

A co-production by Ideal Spaces Working Group & Vertical Waves PROJECT
Ulrich Gehmann & Srishti Khanna
Marianna Andrigo, Ilaria Bagarolo, Michela Lorenzano, Valentina Milan,
Silvia Zotto
Aldo Aliprandi & Andreas Siess
Aldo Aliprandi & Mauro Ferrario
Andreas Siess & Ulrich Gehmann
Lorenza Cini
Marianna Andrigo

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