[spectre] Antw: Re: on Hungary

heath bunting heathbunting at irational.org
Sat Apr 14 22:49:23 CEST 2018

>> here is a question
>> what would the policies of a non-racist, non-corrupt, but non-imperial
>> nation state government in central europe look like: especially concerning
>> the syrian refugee crisis ?
>> bearing in mind that such a government has to be popular with its citizens
>> and be working for the citizens best interests
> heath, i take it that in your scenario any moral (or ethical) concerns that 
> are not "popular" with "citizens" would rank low?

it is my understanding that the government serves its citizens first

> how would you define "the citizens best interests"?

all countries and cultures are different, but i would imagine the citizens 
of Hungary would value social housing, jobs, health care, security and 
justice, retirement benefits and so on

welcoming a small number of refugees could also be valued by Hungarian 

> and in that scenario, how would you evaluate those phonecalls dictating to 
> journalists which scare-messages to put in the newspaper (see janos' msg 
> which started this thread)?

my point is not to become distracted by perceived individual opposition 
leaders failings

look at what the system [the government] is actually doing and if we have 
a better way of doing it, then lets do it

my suspicion though, is that the Hungarian left can not better the 
Hungarian government policy of confronting western imperialism [embodied 
by EU or USA]

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