[spectre] Nightmare by Alessia Mutti at the Widget Art Gallery

Chiara Passa chiarapassa at gmail.com
Thu Jul 8 12:10:20 CEST 2021

Dear friends & colleagues,

Hope this email finds you well.

I am proud to present "Nightmare", a GIF by Alessia Mutti, hosted by
the WAG from July 9 to September 10  2021.

After having invited at the WAG different artists for a long time,
since two years I have been showing also students' GIFs with great
The Widget Art Gallery http://www.chiarapassa.it/wag is a Web-App
cross-device, just save the WAG icon on your mobile screen!
Since 2008 the WAG's is always available as widget for the
osx-dashboard downloading it at
Enjoy the show!
Chiara Passa

About the show

"Nightmare" is a gif inspired by the homonymous artwork by Dalì. The
gif shows the circular motion of ants that obsessively walk the walls
of the WAG. Ants represent an omen of death and remind us of the
precariousness of the human being. The red light follows the ants
emphasizing the anxious and recursive aspect of perpetual movement.
Alessia Mutti is a student of the Fine Arts Academy of Rome, where she
is getting the B.A. degree in multimedia art & technologies.

About the WAG

Due to our needs that seem to be increasingly handheld, WAG was born
in 2008 as OSX Widget and launched as WebApp in 2009! The Widget Art
Gallery is a single art-gallery-room fitting into people's pockets.
Every two months, the WAG hosts a solo digital-art exhibition related
to its dynamic site-specific context.
The WAG works both as a kunsthall showing temporary exhibitions and
also as a museum conserving all the past shows inside an online
archive as a dynamic permanent collection.  WebApp:

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