[spectre] Catalog: a talk by Lieven Lahaye - Tuesday 14th November from 6-8pm at Tenderbooks London

Gary Hall mail at garyhall.info
Wed Nov 8 13:33:56 CET 2023

BOOKS and the Centre for Postdigital Cultures Post-Publishing strand 
invites you to
_Catalog: a talk by Lieven Lahaye_
*Tuesday 14th November *from* 6-8pm
at *_Tenderbooks_*,
6 Cecil Court

Catalog is a serial publication about cataloging, written by Lieven 
Lahaye and designed by Ott Metusala since 2016. ‘Catalog’ is published 
intermittently, rather than continuously and has no fixed format. 
They’ve taken the form of postcards, exhibition handouts, paper 
airplanes, paper hats, newspapers, bumper stickers… Recent issues of 
Catalog include:

‘Beard. Man. Jug. Rubble. Woman. Vessel’ (issue 22) about the 
Bartmannskrug’s history and the Trümmerfrau (rubble women) legend

‘Impressed’ (issue 21) about exposure to wear

‘Hard Sun’ (issue 20) about exposure to light

Lieven Lahaye (1985, Belgium) is an artist and publisher, interested in 
the value of ephemeral information and amateur practices. He produces 
printed matter, texts, objects and performances with the aim of 
cataloging, reactivating, highlighting and sharing information. He 
teaches at the Master of Arts in Graphic Design at Estonian Academy of 
Arts, Tallinn and has edited two books of student's writing: 'Going 
Somewhere' (2021) and 'All horses have the same color' (2022). He’s 
currently an artist-in-residence at WIELS, Brussels.

https://cataloging.xyz/ <https://cataloging.xyz/>
https://tenderbooks.co.uk/ <https://tenderbooks.co.uk/>

Gary Hall
Professor of Media
Director of the Centre for Postdigital Cultures, Coventry University:

Mastodon: @garyhall at hcommons.social

Director of Open Humanities Press:http://www.openhumanitiespress.org  


Interview: (open access) ‘How To Be A Pirate: An Interview with Alexandra Elbakyan and Gary Hall by Holger Briel’:https://www.liverpooluniversitypress.co.uk/pb-assets/OA%20chapters/Briel_9781802076622_ch5_OA-1687267442.pdf

Blog: 'Creative AI – Thinking Outside the Box':http://garyhall.squarespace.com/journal/2023/10/23/creative-artifical-intelligence-thinking-outside-the-box.html

Book series (open access): Combinatorial Books: Gathering Flowers series, edited by Janneke Adema, Simon Bowie, Gary Hall and Rebekka Kiesewetter:http://www.openhumanitiespress.org/books/series/liquid-books/

1st book in series (open access): Ecological Rewriting: Situated Engagements with The Chernobyl Herbarium, edited by Gabriela Méndez Cota:https://www.openhumanitiespress.org/books/titles/ecological-rewriting/  

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